End of Year Four!
Having finished our fourth
year of engaging the community about death, dying and loss and excitedly
entering our fifth; we are proud to present The Bucket Project Annual Report 2014 to 2015 We’ve learned some lessons and built on successes over the
past twelve months; utilising data from a number of surveys, research and
direct experience.
Front cover of our report
We’ve launched new tools for engagement, a practical guide and
thought provoking posters, which have all been well received. We have more
ideas than time to accomplish them so prioritising our activities has become
key. Our Day of the Dead celebrations continue to be the most popular events
and will be something we will roll out throughout the year, as our primary
method of engagement.
Some of our tools, posters and decorations
Whilst Dying Matters Week 2015 had huge support from partners and
members, most events were not as well attended as we had hoped. We have
identified potential problem areas and have developed solutions.
Death and dying is moving up the agenda of national and local
government. Liverpool has adopted the Dying Well Community Charter, Public
Health are advocating new approaches to end of life care and Compassionate
Communities is being developed alongside Healthy Cities. We aim to continue
working with the right people in key positions to keep the topic of death
You can read the report in full here: The Bucket Project Annual Report 2014 to 2015 or on the Downloads page.