Thursday, 25 September 2014

End of Year Three!

It has been a while since I last wrote a blog, here at The Bucket Project we have been busy organising events for the Autumn season from introducing our new ‘Death du Jour’ session to planning a fabulous Day of the Dead celebration. The details of these events will be posted here and on social media closer to the time.
At long last, we would like to present our End of Year Three Project Report. You can find out exactly what we have been up to over 2013 and 2014, from a Halloween Death Café, to a jam packed Dying Matters Awareness Week in May. The report is now available on the ‘Downloads’ page of the blog and is an interesting read.
If you like what you see and would be interested in becoming a member of The Bucket Project, email We will keep you regularly updated with the latest planned events and news, so get involved and help keep the topic of death alive!